As a brief aside, Barry Murphy tweeted his disappointment at the empty seats at the Aquatic Centre. And in fairness, why people wouldn't be queueing out the door to see him finish last again I just don't know.
The dressage continued today, as clearly one day of dancing fucking horses is not enough for some folk. The appropriately horsey-sounding Camilla Speirs leads the way as her pirouetting pony boogied into 27th place. The remainder of the team lie in 32nd, 53rd, 61st and 64th, which sounds unimpressive until you realise that Mark Kyle has a horse named Coolio, which kinda makes up for everything.
The good news, however, was provided by Eoin Rheinisch, who paddled through
Rheinisch and Magee are joined in the winners enclosure by Peter O'Leary and David Burrows who sailed their ship to second place in the Men's Star this afternoon. Unfortunately, the event runs over a week, and we are but 2 races into an 11 part journey towards medals. Calm the fuck down is my basic point.
Just moments ago, Adam Nolan made it three from three for the boxers, battling to a 14-8 victory over Carlos Sanchez Estacio. Like a typical Garda, he made life unnecessarily complicated and put himself in harms way at every opportunity, but on he goes.
And on we shall go too. Tomorrow, the liveblog returns - tune in from midday...
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