Sunday 29 July 2012

Audience Participation Time!!

It is a slow day at The 'Lympics Log HQ. Fatigued and hungover, activity is at an all time low. So this seems like as good a time as any to open the floor to you, the readers. There are plenty of you - from Ireland and Britain, of course, but also as far afield as Australia and Burundi. I now feel bad about mocking Burundi's athletes during the Opening Ceremony - please accept my humble apologies. Actually, scratch that - insults are kinda my thing. Apology withdrawn.

Anyhow, having watched boxing, canoeing, swimming, handball, diving, rowing and plenty more besides, we have been discussing what sport we would most like to play. Not for financial gain or anything - if you were told that you could wake up tomorrow morning and, for one day, have the ability and opportunity to compete in any Olympic event, what would it be and why?

Hit the comments in your numbers and chip in. To get the ball rolling, I would without a doubt say gymnastics. Because I've had a go at plenty of sports, and if I'd committed to, say, swimming; dropped out of school, trained 10 hours a day, ate right, didn't drink and all that jazz I could probably be a half decent swimmer. Same for tennis, I probably could have been alright at that. And I can run, I can dive, all that shite. But I could have trained 10 hours a day, ate right, not drank and a decade later been able to do a back handspring. That's it. No more. Gymnasts are fucking freaks.

So, what would it be for you? Comment below...

1 comment:

  1. Dressage, in order to wind you up... Gymnastics for me too actually, it's stunning.
